80-year old boy racer caught doing over 180 km/h in Subaru Impreza WRX

There’s a saying that goes “a tiger never loses its stripes” and even as age catches up, old habits die hard and this is especially true with the need for speed.

Yesterday, an 80-year old man in Alma, South Australia took that need just a little too far, and worse, got caught. The man from Adelaide was caught speeding in his Subaru Impreza WRX, clocking 182 km/h in a 100 km/h zone.

Source: South Australia Police

As a result, the offender was issued a fine of AUD 1,814 (approx. RM5,534) and his license was revoked for six months – the worst nightmare for anyone who loves driving.

Australia has one of the strictest speeding laws in the region. In most parts of the country, the speed limit is set at 110 km/h similar to ours, while the highest legal speed limit is 130 km/h but is limited to the country’s northern region.

If a driver is caught exceeding the speed limit by over 40 km/h, a minimum fine of AUD 1,286 will be imposed along with six month’s suspension of their driving license.

Volvo starts rolling out 180 km/h speed limit on new car…read about it here!