Unlock prizes up to RM36,888 during BYD’s largest EV event, 7-9 June!

BYD Challenge Day is set to happen this weekend and it will be the largest BYD EV event in Malaysia in 2024! Taking place at KL Base Events from June 7th to 9th, there will be various event promotions to choose from such as up to RM20,000 in rebates, complimentary home chargers, charging credits, and 0% interest rates.

There will also be free Tealive drinks and Bask Bear toasties, various games & challenges, special offers on Trapo car accessories, and a special appearance of the Formula Bao 5 (which debuted at Malaysia Autoshow 2024).

And as all carnivals should, there will be a lucky draw at the BYD Challenge Day with 6 sessions and 10 prizes per session! Lucky draw prizes include the Ogawa iMelody massage chair worth RM9,899, multiple vouchers (i.e. JD Sports, Michael Kors, Pandora), TVs, electrical home appliances, and more!

If you’ve always wanted a BYD EV, now’s the perfect time to make your booking. If you do so at the BYD Challenge Day, you will unlock prizes worth up to RM36,888 in rebates, charging credits, home chargers, UEFA BYD merchandise, and customized printed jerseys. Existing BYD owners will also get RM300 worth of charging credits for successful referrals during the event.

Still unsure about buying an EV? BYD is offering you a chance to test drive their EVs on a former airstrip! Not only will you get to experience the BYD Dolphin and BYD Atto 3, but you’ll also get to pretend you’re Maverick and drive both cars on an actual runway. How cool is that?

On Saturday, June 8th, there will even be a BYD owner’s gathering which will gather just about every single BYD in Malaysia. Will it be the largest single-brand EV gathering in Malaysia ever? We’re not sure about that, but it surely will be a spectacular sight. Imagine a swarm of EVs taking over a runway.

It’s not just about cars at the BYD Challenge Day as there will be tons of family fun activities for all to enjoy too. There will be minigames such as Fussball and even a special “luggage challenge” to keep you entertained. As for the “older” family members, there will even be Ogawa massage chairs available and a “Chill & Relax” zone to wind down.

You’ll be spoilt for choice when it comes to food & drinks as there will be plenty of food trucks around. If you register as a BYD registrant, you will enjoy a special 20% rebate for all Tealive and Bask Bear coffee purchases at the event.

So, what are you waiting for? Register for the event here, lock those dates on your calendar, and make sure to head on to BYD Challenge Day at KL Base Events (Use Waze to navigate to KL Base Events) from June 7th to 9th. Remember to bring your friends and family too!

For more information, visit byd.simedarbymotors.my or follow @BYDCarsMalaysia to get the latest updates.